Sequoia School Attendance Policy |
The Sequoia School faculty and staff believe that there is a direct correlation between positive attendance and higher student success rates both in the present and in the future, with school, college and work. Students with good attendance achieve higher grades, enjoy school, realize success, gain the necessary credits for graduation, and learn positive habits that carry over to their personal and occupational achievement.
It is the responsibility of all parents to insure that their child(ren) attend school every day they are not ill. We also see it as the joint responsibility of the parents, and school staff to promote and stress the importance and value of positive attendance. The joint collaboration of parents and staff is needed to put into effect attendance policies in a fair, firm, consistent and in a timely manner. Listed below are some helpful hints to achieving positive attendance:
Remember, too, that good student attendance not only benefits our school, but it also benefits your child. We know that you want the very best for your child, and we do too.
(661) 259-0033 ext. 652
Lourdes Isaacson: [email protected]
Off Campus Passes
- Once you have reported to school, you MAY NOT leave without an OFF-CAMPUS PASS. Off campus passes may be obtained by sending a note signed by parent/legal guardian stating time and reason the student needs to leave campus. Your student can bring the note to the Attendance/Front Office between classes or during their brunch or lunch. This minimizes the constant class interruption. Your student will be given an off-campus pass with the designated time to leave. Due to the overwhelming calls for last minute releases, these requests will only be taken for extreme emergencies.
- A student who leaves campus due to illness must be cleared through the Health Office first.
- All students who are leaving campus for an appointment must be signed out by a parent/ legal guardian in the Attendance/Front Office unless a signed parent note has been sent.
- Off-Campus passes are required for ANY early departure on a minimum day.
- Students who leave without an Off-Campus pass are TRUANT.
Attendance Procedures:
- All Absences recorded as unverified absences will be changed to unexcused absences
after 10 days, although the parent or guardian may clear the absence at any time. (It is
the District’s recommendation that parents clear an absence within three business
days.) Any student absent without a valid excuse is considered truant or unexcused.
The law treats unexcused absences in the same manner as truancies.
- Please check the Infinite Campus parent portal regularly. If you feel the absence is in error, have your student go to the attendance/front office to receive an attendance correction form.
- Students with excessive excused absences may be required to provide a doctor’s note.
Definition of Absences
Excused/Warranted Absences
- Illness or injury
- Funeral Services for a member of the immediate family
- Exclusion for failure to be immunized
- Approved school activity
- Appearance in court
- Holiday or ceremony of student’s own religion
- Employment interview or conference
- Verified family emergency
- Community disaster/emergency
- Funeral services for other than a member of the immediate family (3 days maximum)
Unexcused Absences
A student’s absence is unexcused whenever the absence has been verified as having been avoidable (i.e. oversleeping, missed bus, traffic (when not caused by a publicized accident or running out of gas, etc…).
As part of our school safety plan, on time attendance at the beginning of the class is highly valued by the Sequoia School staff and enables students to have the opportunity to benefit from the full class instruction time, and minimizes disruption of the class.
In the morning, we encourage students and parents to be aware of traffic patterns on nearby streets when driving to school. Leaving for school just ten minutes earlier can sometimes help to avoid a twenty minute (or longer) traffic delay - and ultimately help to avoid a first period tardy.
- Any student not present in the classroom upon conclusion of the late bell will be marked tardy by the teacher. Students will be recorded as absent/truant should they arrive 30 minutes late to class according to Education Code section 48260.
- Tardies are unexcused.
- Beware that an excess of tardies/truants could result in loss of privileges and a truancy ticket.
- Students who loiter on campus instead of attending class are considered truant.
Students who are habitually absent may be referred to our School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
The intent of this policy is to call to the attention of parents and students the importance of class attendance and provide for greater student accountability for make-up work. It is not our intent to punish students who are ill or have family emergencies. |